About Us
Hapa Honey Farm is a beekeeping family with hives in and around Orange County and Los Angeles.
Bill is the head of the family and our head beekeeper. A former Executive Chef who still loves to cook and continues to use his culinary skills to craft delicious meals at home, as well as, to craft chef-approved delectable creamed honey flavors. Can you believe that Bill started beekeeping when he was a kid? He had a neighbor who was a beekeeper and his fascination and lack of fear of the bees amused his neighbor enough, that he taught 10-year-old Bill all about bees and how to be a beekeeper. He’s loved bees ever since.
Like father, like son, Gavin was almost 8 when he started his beekeeping journey. Even with multiple stings the first real day of beekeeping, he wasn’t deterred and really enjoyed working in the hives. Don’t let his age fool you. He may only be eleven, but Gavin is a full-fledged beekeeper, and puts his skills to use by helping beginning beekeepers find and install queens and trouble shoot beekeeping issues. Gavin has grown his single hive into his own highly productive apiary, managing up to a dozen hives. Gavin also loves playing baseball, going camping, boba drinks, video games, his dogs and any and all things Star Wars. Go ahead, try to stump him with some Star Wars trivia, I dare you.
At 5, Grady can’t wait to be more hands-on in the apiary, instead of just being what his brother calls, the mascot. He eagerly awaits growing up to be a “real” beekeeper. For now, he enjoys being the youngest and cutest (his words). He loves Star Wars, making art and everything his big brother likes.
Mama beekeeper is me, Laurie. I went from scared to death, arms flailing and swatting at anything buzzing near me (they are stinging insects, after all), to completely and totally in love with bees and everything about them. I am proof that education can completely change a persons views and the more you learn about bees, the more amazed you are of them. You can find me working bees, harvesting honey, answering phones or just talking bees to anyone who asks, so if you don’t want to talk bees, you probably shouldn’t bring them up around me.
We love our sweet bees and practice responsible and sustainable bee farming.
We place the majority of our hives on properties with dense, diverse forage and where organic gardening principles are implemented. We place some hives in and around the seasonal blooms, such as sage, orange and buckwheat blossoms.
Our honey is pure, raw and unfiltered. Raw honey is honey that hasn’t been filtered or heated. Most honey’s are stripped of its nutritional benefits through filtration and pasteurization. Raw honey is full of beneficial vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and bits of pollen and propolis. Honey is unlike all other sweeteners which are acidic and can put a strain on your digestive system.
We carefully hand harvest, hand extract, bottle and label our premium, raw honey.
Our creamed, infused honeys use only the highest quality natural ingredients which we source from the finest organic ingredients available.
Our creamed honey is dairy-free and our manufacturing facility and equipment are nut free.